TEDxRotterdam - Willem Verbeke - What if we could look into Steve Jobs brain

TEDxRotterdam – Willem Verbeke – What if we could look into Steve Jobs brain

In the kingdom of blind men the one-eyed is king, Erasmus once said. Listening to Willem Verbeke makes us realize that we are in the kingdom of blind men but thanks to him we can catch a unique glimpse of the landscape. Willem Verbeke is the European authority on sales.

Verbeke has proven that eight seconds before a person is aware of it, the brain already knows how it will react and what it will choose. This sounds like vintage James Bond but it isn’t secret codes that Ver beke aims to crack: it is the little secrets people prefer to hide, like a tendency to fraud or psychopathic traits. It is not in the near future, it is now already that employers can use fMRI scans to check possible candidates for just these traits that no normal questionnaire will bring to light.

On TEDxRotterdam he explores a very interesting question: What if we could look into Steve Jobs brain?